Think Tank 24 (4)

Recruitment travel stands as a cornerstone method for institutions seeking to expand their global reach and establish meaningful connections with prospective students.

This comprehensive report serves as a guide for the “Road Warrior” – the intrepid recruiter packing their bag and heading to a new country, and for the teams and offices that support and make this travel possible.

Featuring insider insights from our on-the-ground staff across the globe, as well as from experienced recruiters with many miles traveled, this guide will take you from start to finish:

  • Researching and planning a data-driven itinerary
  • Securing institutional buy-in
  • Packing and traveling tips
  • What to expect when you arrive and how to track results and follow-up upon your return
  • Country-specific insights from four key source markets: India, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Vietnam, and Nigeria

Fill out the form to download the report.